Thursday, 20 June 2013

Mumbai prep.

This year there are 6 of us going to Mumbai. Myself (Cat) being one of them.

I'm sure we all enjoyed our induction (I certainly did) and are looking forward to departing a week on Monday. It's amazing to see how it's all come together. When applying to teach in India a few months ago I didn't think anything would come of interview, lots of emails and an induction later, here I am.

I'm going to be teaching at The Avalon School with fellow WAMmer, Becky. As well as putting hours in to this school, at the induction, we had a group discussion about out reach work. I had a Skype chat with Ryan earlier today. We discussed this and he gave me a list of people to get in touch with to organise workshops that are outside of our main teaching school.

So the plan is to send of a few emails and get the ball rolling with out reach stuff!

Two months is going to fly past so I'd like to get as much done as soon as possible so we can hit the ground running when we get there.

I hope you enjoy reading our blog.  See you in India!

-- Cat

Welcome to the WAM Blog 2013

Welcome to the 2013 blog of the WAM Foundation! (Worldwide Appreciation of Music)

This summer 13 talented young musicians will travel to India to teach at schools in Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Trivandrum. They are:

Aine Jackson

Adrian Chan
Maria le Brun
Kamile Radzvilaite
Nialah Chakravarti
Rosie Powell Davies
Joshua Abbott
Kerry Marsden
Rebecca Grant
Anna (Cat) Mitchell
Samuel Goodway
Rebecca Rea
Duncan Gallagher

You will be able to read about their experiences here during July and August. Watch this space!