Monday, 26 August 2013

Baby, bells and beanstalks - Becky in Bombay.

Finally, a month later than planned, my grade one classes are having their musical presentations filmed today and I am so excited! They have worked so hard writing lyrics, making up actions, learning songs, using percussion instruments, drawing pictures for the backdrop - I am so proud! Hopefully they will smile and sing well! It will also be the last time I ever have to sing these songs about Jack and the Beanstalk which have been on repeat for nearly two months!

On Saturday Cat, Duncan, Sam and I braved local buses (possibly more chaotic than the local trains!) and ran a music workshop in a government-run orphanage. It was the most incredible morning! To begin with, Duncan and I played some folk tunes while the children walked in which immediately got their attention and smiles. Then they sang us some songs they had been preparing, we sang them some songs and taught them a few more. Their singing was so lovely and loud and they seemed to enjoy it as much as we did! Then they started giving requests which we obliged, despite a few qualms about their choices: 'Baby' by Justin Bieber and 'Jingle Bells'! Still, it was certainly the greatest rendition of both of these songs ever to be heard by human ears.

Today we are also starting to create a musical drop-in session at lunch where we will sit and play music and teach songs to anyone who happens to show up. Hopefully it will have good results!

I cannot believe it is the last week of school. I feel so incredibly privileged to be here.

Cat and I keep having going into a class and realizing it is the last time we will have a class with this particular group of children. Here is a photo of us with a Kindergarten class who will be very much missed.

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