Hello all.
Apologies for the lateness of this update, but it has been a
very busy few weeks in Gurgaon – with the passing of Independence Day, Raksha
Bandan and Lord Krishna’s birthday as well as working seven day weeks, with
additional classes with the NGO school, it’s been fairly manic going!

One the 9
th and 14
th of August, One
World College of Music had two showcases in a local market, where a selection
of auditioned pupils were able to perform on a large stage to the shoppers. The
concert on the 9
th passed by without a glitch, and the pupils
performed wonderfully. However, an hour before the concert on the 14
was due to start, the monsoons decided to make an appearance. For an hour and a
half I was stuck under an ever-flimsier looking piece of plastic sheeting with
some of the older students with whom I was about to do a soundcheck, looking
out at the brave souls of the sound system company who were wading through
shin-deep water to try and save the electrical equipment. However, there wasn’t
a single sense of humour failure – indeed it was at this point that I
remembered that the only umbrella I possessed was one emblazoned with a Union Flag
jubilee effort, and in a fit of post-colonial guilt (it being an Independence
Day concert) I decided that, discretion being the better part of valour, I
probably should get just wet. Everyone found this absolutely hilarious, but
draped it in Indian flag bunting for good measure before weathering out the
storm underneath it. The concert then went on wonderfully, with the first
performance of a new composition, ‘Utho Jawan’, by a student I had been
mentoring being received very well, and, after much persuasion, my somewhat
bizarre tuba adaptation of the original Sanskrit ‘Vande Mataram’.
Independence Day itself was a very interesting occasion.
Having had to stay over the night at a teachers’ house the night before, after
coming back late from the concert, I found myself walking across Gurgaon early
in the morning hearing patriotic music playing at every street corner. One
World College of Music was to have a morning concert at the market, to
celebrate the hoisting of the flag by some local dignitaries. I had managed to
also bring along the children from Sankalp, the NGO school, to perform the
songs we had been learning along the newly formed drum ensemble at OWCM. The
children, having never performed before, were somewhat nervous, but did a great
job and impressed some important people. Teaching a class of children whose
Hindi, never mind English, was at times variable presented its challenges. Sadly
I had my last class today with them, but they can now all read natural notes in
the treble clef, know how to clap a variety of rhythms and can sing a number of
Hindi, Sanskrit and English songs both in solfege (both Hindi and English) and
with words. I couldn’t be more pleased or impressed with their good humour and drive
to learn, and will miss them a great deal.

Progress at One World has also been pleasing; there are now
regular theory classes, with attendance slowly but surely improving. I have
also been leading theory classes with the teachers – a lot of them are
self-taught or have received very little theory training and there were a few
issues with the ways theory was being taught. Now, with the help of a variety
of resources, we have covered the basics and I have put together a step-by-step
teaching syllabus for theory classes. I have also arranged for one teacher, who
has the most advanced theory knowledge, to lead theory sessions with new
teachers after I have left. Weekly staff meetings will continue in order to
improve the sharing of ideas and openness within the school, and hope
fully OWCM’s
link with Sankalp will be able to continue, as some of the teachers will
hopefully be taking over my sessions once I leave. We have also finally started
an OWCM choir for all of the vocal students, and are looking at forming links
with a jazz institute in Kathmandu, as well as hosting performers for workshop
sessions and starting a scholarship programme. Never a quiet moment!
It has been a very full few months here, but it is so
rewarding to see the progress of the school and to have forged some really strong
friendships. To kick off the send-offs, on Tuesday all of the staff at One
World, an unnecessarily large amount of harmonicas, a mandolin, and more beer
than can be found in an Irish working men’s club, bounced down the road to Agra
for the day to see the Taj Mahal. It was amazing, hilarious, musical, but also
slightly poignant as I know I will soon have to say goodbye to a group of
people who have been so eager to receive help, improve the school, do their
best to convey their passion for music to the students and who have been more
hospitable than I could ever have wished for.
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